The Mythology of Science Based Medicine

The Mythology of Science Based Medicine The current healthcare debate has brought up basic questions about how medicine should work. On one hand we have the medical establishment with its enormous cadre of M.D.s, medical schools, big pharma, and incredibly expensive hospital care. On the other we have the semi-condoned field of alternative medicine [and…



No matter how you look at it drugs (or medications) are poisons. They are put into your body to either excite or depress tissues that are not working right. In every case drugs have side effects that can and will harm you, whether you want it to or not. Valium (otherwise known as Diazepam) is…


Sleeping much better…

If you have been sleeping poorly it might be caused by a subluxation (joint locked out of it normal range of motion irritating or putting pressure on and decreasing nerve function). To find out if we can help take advantage of our free consultations, at 688-0444. Here is Roxy to tell you of her experience:


2.5 Million Cells are Counting on You!

You are exchanging about 2 and a half million new cells for old ones every minute; completed by your brain’s innate ability to heal. What? Do you mean that this is not the same body that I was born with just stretched out? That’s right it is not the same body! Now how does the…


A Comparison

My wife is always telling me how smart I am hope this proves it (a least education wise). No I don’t have a source… but it is legit. Maybe someone out there can offer the source.


Save Money … Choose Chiropractic

Things that make you go “huh” Well, many of you may not have heard yet but going to the chiropractor will actually save you money in the long run. Check it out… What are you waiting for… get checked now, call (435) 688 – 0444 and start earning back your health and wealth.


Micro-waving Goodbye

Below is a Science fair project presented by a girl in a secondary school in Sussex. In it she took filtered water and divided it into two parts. The first part she heated to boiling in a pan on the stove, and the second part she heated to boiling in a microwave. Then after cooling…


The Antibiotic Dilemma

This post taken from: Upper Cervical Health Centers of America In our pill-seeking society, a medical visit hardly seems complete unless we are prescribed some drug for what ails us. Much of the time, the prescription is for an antibiotic— drugs that have been widely overused for conditions which they cannot even help. Ailments not…
