We made a live post …

Dr. Aaron and I (Dr. Kyle) made a FACEBOOK live video… the focus was on Headaches / Migraines. Not bad for our first time if I do say so myself. Feel free to smash the “like” button/ comment below on what works for your head aches.


Perhaps you have heard of herd immunity or even that those that are un-vaccinated pose huge health risks.  Well, it may not all be as true as you thought.  Here are insights from a real Harvard Graduate Immunologist:     In another posting by Dr. Tetyana, she explains a few misconceptions about vaccines:   Hope…


Reactive, Preventative, Promotion

“In ten years you will surely arrive, the question is where?” (Jim Rohn) And our question is: in what condition? In our society we have been bred and taught to react. Our schools and testing have conditioned us to react and provide the correct answer or be ridiculed. Our coaches train us to listen and…
