Vaccination for the whole family…
A humerus way to look a the flu shot… Nice.. Flu shots from home… line up for health!
A humerus way to look a the flu shot… Nice.. Flu shots from home… line up for health!
It is written on the package that there is no proven benefit to the flu vaccination… I would take that as a hint…
Cold and Flu season are upon us and you may want to think twice about how you fight this season. Vaccinations get a lot of hype when it comes to fighting the cold and flu bugs but they may not be as great as you may think they are. In fact there may be some…
Insurance Directed Health? I have this video that was posted to my Facebook, Thanks to Christopher Wolff for the connection. It is a good watch and some real good points about Insurance and Pharmaceuticals… Just so you know I am for Grocery Insurance…Steaks…Yummy.
Hello all; it wasn’t too long ago that I was recently encountered with this comment…”Why should I see a chiropractor, nothing is wrong with me, I feel fine!?!” Oh dear – It has been reported that approximately only 10% of the nerves in your body actually perceive pain. Unless it is a traumatic event, when…