Save Money … Choose Chiropractic

Things that make you go “huh” Well, many of you may not have heard yet but going to the chiropractor will actually save you money in the long run. Check it out… What are you waiting for… get checked now, call (435) 688 – 0444 and start earning back your health and wealth.

Micro-waving Goodbye

Below is a Science fair project presented by a girl in a secondary school in Sussex. In it she took filtered water and divided it into two parts. The first part she heated to boiling in a pan on the stove, and the second part she heated to boiling in a microwave. Then after cooling…

The Antibiotic Dilemma

This post taken from: Upper Cervical Health Centers of America In our pill-seeking society, a medical visit hardly seems complete unless we are prescribed some drug for what ails us. Much of the time, the prescription is for an antibiotic— drugs that have been widely overused for conditions which they cannot even help. Ailments not…

Who Knew?…

“Aspirin is not a nutritional supplement — it is a medication with real risks and side-effects”Dr. Neena S. Abraham, a gastroenterologist at the Michael E. DeBakey V.A. Medical Center. Well I think we can all actually agree on that statement. Drugs are not health, they help the body sometimes but they have real side-effects. Regular…

Germaphobes Beware!!!

So it turns out that kids need to be exposed to germs and bugs and dirt to create healthy, strong and active immune systems for life. Hah… I just knew sucking on rocks as a kid would make me stronger…. oh…. check this out… and this… to see what you or your kids might be…

Believe It !

There are an estimated 10,000 cancer cells in your body right now!!!! Normally, these cells are controlled by a healthy, active immune system. So the question is… Are you allowing these cells to grow, or, are you fueling your body’s fight against them? Having a healthy, active immune system is, in part, a function of…

Our Purpose…

The spinal cord carries every message from the brain to the body and from the body to the brain.  If these messages are interfered with …. You would not be fully able to hear, see, feel, speak or smell… Your heart could not beat properly… Your lungs could not breathe fully… Your body could not…