It is estimated that 80 PERCENT of adults will have LOW-BACK PAIN sometime in their lifetime. Even though we do not focus on the pain when it comes to health it is relevant to note that these incidents can be avoided or injury can be reduced from consistent preventative care.
You can see that there is much to be done in the way of educating the masses on what really causes low-back pain. Too many times I hear someone I meet that they are having pain due to a ruptured disk or a compression on the spine. This is not really accurate as most disk compression’s do not cause pain at all.
The PAIN experienced by most low-back pain suffers is usually actually caused by stretch receptors that have been over-activated by a tear in a tendon or muscle either deep in the muscles of the back or in right next to the spine. Even chronic pain is usually caused by repetitive stressed muscles that refer pain over and towards other areas of the body telling you to stop and relax so that you can heal more completely.
If this is all true then how can our office help you? How does a correction to a joint in the neck affect low-back pain? Click on the video and you can learn more.
If you are still not convinced then follow the link below and find out how Blair Upper Cervical Corrections in the neck can truly accelerate your health and healing the way creation intended to be.
Blair Chiropractic can help Low-Back Pain