The Simply Health Difference…
Simply Health Chiropractic asks… Is a FERRARI really that much different from a KIA?… If you were a car … what car would you want to be and why?
Simply Health Chiropractic asks… Is a FERRARI really that much different from a KIA?… If you were a car … what car would you want to be and why?
Harvard Agrees with Chiropractic At first glance you’d think a Chiropractor was responsible for these words. But they were actually written by a Harvard medical school instructor in the late 1800’s. While this belief is trivialized by the medical and pharmaceutical community today, it remains the core foundation of the practice of Chiropractic. Chiropractors humbly…
Well this article seems to put another nail in the Vaccination Coffin….
Check out this Face book post I had from an associate of mine! “I had a Hollywood [client] come into my clinic this morning suffering for two years with Meinere’s disease. We got their X-rays and checked and sure enough there was a misalignment at the top of neck just like this article and this…
Well, what do you know. A little case study has made some big waves when it comes to the improvement in MS patients. Seriously, if you or if someone you know has MS, you and they should read this… and then make an appointment. Simply Health is an Upper Cervical (neck) specialist that can clear…
I am not against responsible use of medicine and vaccinations but I am surely concerned about the amount of pharmaceuticals we pump into our children and even ourselves. Check out this link on an article about how the government is now stating that there are risks to vaccinations. To be more informed about vaccinations check…
A humerus way to look a the flu shot… Nice.. Flu shots from home… line up for health!
It is written on the package that there is no proven benefit to the flu vaccination… I would take that as a hint…
Cold and Flu season are upon us and you may want to think twice about how you fight this season. Vaccinations get a lot of hype when it comes to fighting the cold and flu bugs but they may not be as great as you may think they are. In fact there may be some…