“In ten years you will surely arrive, the question is where?” (Jim Rohn) And our question is: in what condition?
In our society we have been bred and taught to react. Our schools and testing have conditioned us to react and provide the correct answer or be ridiculed. Our coaches train us to listen and react to their conditioning. Our media continually asks for reactions to problems without real solutions. We have been reacting our whole lives. It is no wonder that when it comes to our health we are reacting.
Reacting is the most costly and most difficult type of lifestyle one can live. Emergency rooms and Bankruptcy departments are thriving based on this type of lifestyle and it is getting us no further as a people; health is still on the decline and the common person still does not know how to invest in their health future.
Prevention was our saving grace for the health world. You hear the term of prevention commonly now in our everyday news and health circles. Somehow if we can get the population to just be aware of the problem and prevent those problems from surfacing then we will be healthier. Unfortunately prevention is only walking the line between health and disease. In our culture we are only preventing enough not to feel the symptoms. Every time we look around we have to prevent the next health crisis or we will all perish; a safer but still stressful and costly picture of health. It is still very unclear if what we call prevention is creating health or just staving off they symptoms of disease.
There is a level of health called, “Promotion of Health.” Imagine, if we could improve the human condition to such a degree that most to any disease would simply shrivel into oblivion by the mere glance of the brain to immune system function.
When did we forget that the very nature of our creation (or evolution) is to fight off disease and develop strengths against our weaknesses. To evolve not only our minds but out bodies and intelligence to a point that we are not the person who we began this life as? There are many current health philosophies and practices that slowly are drifting further and further away from our natural ability to heal and relying on artificial or reprogrammed means to support life rather than enrich it.
It would be ignorance to state that our reactive or prevention methods are not necessary. Sometimes the need is valid, but far too often we are quick to dismiss the power of creation and the ability to overcome.
Whether you call on God, Nature, or evolution, the common theme is there was a creation, and over the lifespan of the human race we have overcome; plagues, pandemics, the hyped medical flu scares, and so much, so much more.
In ten years, you will arrive, and in what condition? You get to choose, history and your creator are the judges, but make no mistake life is more worth living when you have evolved from the fast paced reactive survival mode through the cautioned preventative stage to the ever evolving and healing promotion lifestyle form of health.