Your immune system is an important feature that protects you from germs. There is a way to boost your immune system… less sick days, less puking and way less achyiwanttodienow feelings. Here are some easy tips to boost your immune system:
1. VITAMIN C; natures little scrub brush. Use lots, it is virtually impossible to OD on VIT C. 500mg just is not enough these days, jack that up to say 4000mg. If I feel the sniffles coming on I will boost to 8000mg of the cheap stuff. Most cheap stuff is just sugar… that will make it only worse. Hey, brands count, you get what you pay for, find a good brand; I swear by the USANA PROFLAVINOL and BOOST C products. They are made with high potency and high efficacy materials. We use this specific blend of immune boosters in the office and offer to the public at reasonable pricing.
2. VITAMIN D; ok you do have to pay attention now to how much but new research is telling us that we should be getting either 2 hours naked in the sun or at up to 10,000 international units (IU) to compensate for our lack of Vitamin D. Not only does it affect immune but it affects mood and appetite and mood and other stuff.
3. GET OFF THE COUCH; 15 minutes of moderate… not sprint or die… exercise 3 times a week is enough to severely boost your immune system. BAM… take that flu virus!
4. GO AND GET CHECKED FOR SUBLUXATION; yeah, subluxation, yeah SUB-LUX-A-TION, it is a real word, it is when your nervous system gets messed with because there is joint not working right (usually at the top of the neck). SEEK out and STICK with a good Upper Cervical (neck) Chiropractor, one that does not do the whole poppy, cracky thing as a therapy… it will improve you nervous system function and in turn improve your immunoneurological resonse, again real word, it explains how the immune system and nervous system interact to keep you healthier. WANNA HAVE RIDICULOUSLY HEALTHY KIDS? Get them checked, you won’t be sorry.
5. Well I just put this one in here so that it looks like I have more to say. But seriously get checked by an Upper Cervical Chiropractor, preferably one that specializes in Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic.
6. Don’t go get a flu shot… nobody should be injecting stuff like that straight into the blood stream, there is a reason your blood is on the inside. “Modern Medicine” has no proof those things work, it says so right on the packaging. Ask yourself this, “is there a safe form of mercury?” Then don’t stick it into your blood stream. If your meant to be sick then be sick and then survive it and you will be stronger on the other side for it. Your body and brain can build way better immunities without the hindrance of detergents, cleaners and mercury in the system than any modern medical practice can. The adage is true… if it does not kill you it will make you stronger.
Ok put those things into practice and EAT RIGHT and you should (no promises) avoid those awful sickly bugs!
CALL us at 435-688-0444 to check off number 4 on the list. See you soon!