You are exchanging about 2 and a half million new cells for old ones every minute; completed by your brain’s innate ability to heal. What? Do you mean that this is not the same body that I was born with just stretched out? That’s right it is not the same body! Now how does the brain do that? Your brain regulates and monitors all cells and functions in your whole body. It does this through the nervous system.
Now imagine now if your brain could not communicate to your body effectively, how would it how would it properly heal that recent paper cut, or, accomplish replacing your heart properly every 7-8 months? Am I telling you that disease is caused by the decrease in your brains ability to communicate over the nervous system to regulate and repair cells, tissues and organs; to organize, replace and renew old, dead and diseased cells with new ones? Ah…, yep, that is what makes you more alive than dead! You must understand this, the nervous system is responsible for more than just pain! The nervous system also is a vital communication link to provide you more life (good cells/tissue/organs/functions) than death (disease/sickness/degeneration).
That is the true definition of health, when your body is able to repair and adapt to influences or changes in its internal/external environments. Health is not merely feeling good or the absence of pain.
The catch is, you have to get checked.
Chiropractic when done right should be more like a dentist. You check to see if there are cavities, deal with those and get back on track to being checked every six months. When you feel pain and a cavity is present you have to spend more money and more time to deal with that than if you went in before symptoms (like pain) start to show.
This is what chiropractors are trying to do with your nervous system, we keep the flow uninterrupted through the nerves so that the “life” that flows through them from brain to your cells/tissues/organs/functions can work how they were meant to.
There is still time to get checked with chiropractic and see if your nervous system is being compromised by a joint locked out of its normal range of motion. The earlier you are checked the more disease/sickness/decreased health you can avoid. You can be very surprised at how staying free of nerve interference can actually really, honestly, truthfully, holistically and naturally make you a healthier person!
Why are you delaying, chiropractic is surprisingly affordable in most cases.
Call to schedule you and your family to be checked at 688-0444, begin being healthy today!