Cold and Flu season are upon us and you may want to think twice about how you fight this season. Vaccinations get a lot of hype when it comes to fighting the cold and flu bugs but they may not be as great as you may think they are. In fact there may be some problems with how they are designed. In this interesting post it goes into some details about some of the risks of vaccines; it is true that this article is not scientific, but the author does reference a neat article about how even the use of Vitamin D in children is very effective in preventing the flu; possibly eight times more than the vaccine!!! Note: The dosing amount for that trial was 1200IU (or about 30 micrograms).
There are some really great ways to naturally defend against the cold and flu season and boost your immune system.
1. Get plenty of fluids, yes what they told you is true, lots of Orange juice and even Apple is good. Chicken noodle soups are great to boost immune systems. Lots and lots of water, at least 32oz per day is a good start to boosting your system.
2. Make sure you are getting enough Vitamin D, it is very important and you can achieved it naturally just by spending 10-15 minutes outside with your arms and head exposed;
3. Vitamin E and A are both antioxidants that fight unwanted visitors in your system but make sure to follow guidelines as to much can be toxic; using a multivitamin supplement or eating enough carrots and dark green veggies may be enough to get the amounts of vitamin E and A in your diet.
4. Vitamin C is great to take to boost immunity, this vitamin is like natures little scrub brush, you can use high amount of Vitamin C and when you know you have been taking too much is when you get diarrhea (in a 6 foot male you may be able to take up to 6000mg a day and not have adverse affects). Consider increasing your Vitamin C when you feel some sniffles coming on and quite often you can shorten the symptom effects.
5. Choose your supplements carefully. NOT ALL SUPPLEMENTS ARE CREATED EQUALLY. I trust for many of my supplements, they have top rated supplements with top rated effectiveness. Yes, Simply Health Chiropractic Sells their supplements, we can even set you up to receive shipments to your door. Talk to us for details.
6. Eat Healthy, cut out the fast foods and soda, or at least pick the salad and water; eating plenty of fruits and vegetables will not only boost you full of antioxidants (powerful immune boosters) but allow you increase fluids too. (yep there is water in those foods).
7. Stay away from most Dairy. Pasteurized Cow’s milk has been recently involved with many studies that have to do with causing inflammation, unwarranted diarrhea, Type I Diabetes and allergies of the body and systems. Cheese and Yogurt are friendly forms of dairy that can be enjoyed mostly in moderation.
8. Use a solid pro-biotic source. We have heard a lot about pro-biotic use in the past decade, but using a good source of pro-biotic is just as important as choosing the right supplements. Some Yogurts, especially those with live pro-biotic cultures are very good for sore throats and boosting immune systems, but be aware of the sugar content. Healthy Pro-biotic bacteria are great for fighting for space and even helping eliminate viruses; pro-biotic bacteria even have little virus fighting proteins that work great (maybe even better than our virus fighting equipment) called bacteriophage.
9. Stay away from cough and cold suppressants. Normally thought of as suppressants these items actually decrease the body’s natural immunity making cough and colds to actually last longer in most cases. Some just don’t work all together like in this study.. Here is another study that simply said that relatively few medications actually act as effective cough suppressants. If it is not violent then leave the cough alone, the body is probably trying to get rid of something.
10. Stay active and keep exercising. Building a strong immunity also means being strong yourself. You don’t need to look like “Arni” but at least walking 60 minutes a day briskly can improve your health and allow your body to fight off those pesky viruses.
11. GO SEE A TRAINED AND LICENSED CHIROPRACTOR. Natural News and Psychology today both make great statements about how chiropractors can make a huge difference in immunity. Their results suggest that even the flu shot does not have as good of results as chiropractic. (Don’t worry if you are unfamiliar with chiropractic and chiropractors we are not all crazy and… Simply Health does not use popping and cracking or rotating the neck to adjust you).
Simply Health Chiropractic is a Blair Upper Neck Specialist that analyzes and specializes in tailoring adjustments to your anatomy. We use digital X-ray to both reduce the amount of radiation to our patients and get the best images to understand how your anatomy is shaped; and, there is no popping, no cracking and no rotating of the neck during the adjustment. To see what types of diseases and illnesses Blair Chiropractors like Simply Health have been able to help see our home page.
To Boost your IMMUNITY call to book your first appointment. Consultations and Questions are Free.